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Relações Institucionais

(Português do Brasil) Fórum Econômico Togo-União Europeia

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Encontro do Grupo Consultativo do Financiamento da Fase II do Plano Senegal Emergente (PSE)

Prezada Câmara Brazil-Ecowas, Temos o prazer de transmitir à V.Sa., em anexo, o comunicado do Ministério da Economia, das Finanças e do Planejamento do Senegal,  relativo ao encontro do Grupo Consultativo do Financiamento da Fase II do Plano Senegal Emergente (PSE), previsto para os dias 17 e 18 de dezembro de 2018, em Paris. Outrossim […]

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(Português do Brasil) Câmara Brazil Ecowas integrada a Invest & Export Brasil

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Abena Pokua Adompim Busia visit the Chamber of Commerce and ECOWAS

Last Wednesday (March 7, 2018), His Excellency Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana in Brazil, Mrs. Abena Pokua Adompim Busia (wearing green), visited the office of the Chamber of Commerce, Development & Integration Brazil-ECOWAS in Porto Alegre. The meeting was attended by our CEO, Mr. Willis Taranger, our Vice President, Mr. Jacson Simon, and our […]

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Invitation of the Ambassador of Kenya, Isaac Ochieng to Mr. Osvaldo Di Iorio

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Social Projects For Guinea Bissau

On the last trip to Africa, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Development and Integration Brazil-ECOWAS, Mr. Osvaldo Di Iorio, was in a meeting with the President of Guinea-Bissau, Mr. José Mário Vaz, to present social projects that will benefit thousands of people. The main project discussed, and which was also the subject of […]

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The CEO of the CCBE, Mr. Willis Taranger, was with indians of the Tapaxó

The CEO of the CCBE, Mr. Willis Taranger, was with indians of the Tapaxós tribe during a meeting of the National Fiscal Council of SENAC (National Service of Commercial Learning) that is taking place in the city of Porto Seguro, state os Bahia, Brazil.

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Meeting Ambassador of Morocco Mr. Nabil Adghoghi

The CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, Development and Integration Brazil Ecowas, Mr. Willis Taranger, was welcomed by the Ambassador of Morocco, Mr. Nabil Adghoghi, in Brasilia/DF

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Secretary-General of the Ministry of Labor and Public Services of Mali Yaya Gologo

Today we have welcomed the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Labor and Public Services of Mali, Mr. Yaya Gologo.

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Letter from the Ambassador of Senegal in Brazil Fatoumata Binetou Rassoul Correa

Letter from the Ambassador of Senegal in Brazil, Mrs. Fatoumata Binetou Rassoul Correa, sent to the International Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Development and Integration Brasil Ecowas, Mr. Frederico Fusari.

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Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
CEP: 91030-340


+55 51 9 9695.3507