+55 51 9 9695.3507

Inauguration of a PV-Diesel Hybrid power plant in Bilgo, Burkina Faso

In March 2016, it was inaugurated a Hybrid PV-Diesel power plant in Bilgo, rural community situated in the region of Pabre. This power plant is contributing to improve the electricity access rate in the country. The hybrid power plant in Bilgo works with a photovoltaic-genset system of 30KWp / 77KVA. The project was financially supported by the European Union within the framework of the project “Flexy Energy” and also with the financial contribution from SONABEL under the


.Onde Estamos

Rua Açores, 79 / 407
Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
CEP: 91030-340


+55 51 9 9695.3507